Get A Headstart With A Plan You Can Trust
When you sign up for a Digital Jump Assessment & Roadmap, we will do a deep-dive into all of your digital assets, identify what needs to be fixed, create a clear analytics report that lays out the data, and create a custom gameplan for you so that your team can begin taking strategic, confident action toward your goals.
Part 1:
The Audit
We will collect all of the data from your:
Website (pages, content, user experience, integrations, user experience, and more)
Email Marketing Platform (templates, segmentations, automations, integrations, copy, and overall performance)
CRM (segmentations, automations, integrations, overall organization, and overall performance)
Organic Social Media (your accounts' content, usage, consistency, and overall performance)
Social Media Advertising Accounts (accounts' performance, set-up accuracy, ad performance)
Part 2:
The Assessment
With the data, we will explain:
The big picture view of your digital marketing performance
What your digital blindspots are and the biggest areas that are holding you back on each platform
Why your content is performing the way it is and how it's affecting your digital user experience
Immediate changes you can make to improve your digital performance
Part 3:
The Roadmap
We will create an easy-to-follow, custom roadmap that lays out the exact strategy your organization needs to take in order to reach your specific goals.
This will include suggested:
Campaigns built to meet your goals
Email marketing segmentation, automation, and copywriting strategy
Social media content design, scheduling, and performance optimization
Website changes to quickly increase your online conversions
Online form/funnel changes to streamline your registration or donation processes
How long does this process take? What does the process look like?
The whole process, from start to finish, typically takes one month. The process includes:
A kick-off Zoom call to collect all necessary information from you
A 3-week internal auditing process
A 2-week internal assessment breakdown and creation of a PDF document that includes your assessment results
Zoom call presentation of the assessment
A 2-week internal strategic plan creation with recommendations for the website, email marketing platform, CRM, organic social media, social media advertising, and campaigns
Creation of a PDF document that includes your step-by-step strategic plan (the Roadmap)
A final Zoom call where we walk you through our findings and strategic recommendations, while also answering any questions you may have
Do you implement any of the changes needed based on your findings?
No. This process is designed for your team to take the next steps and begin implementing. If you need ongoing support and implementation, we are happy to help you with that and can discuss what it would look like together.

About Infinitude
Lena & Eliav Perez opened Infinitude in 2016 with a mission to help both private and public sector organizations improve their marketing and digital systems so that they can seamlessly attract and convert more leads. In 2019, after realizing that the Jewish community - Federations, synagogues, day schools, summer camps, youth programs, and more - often struggle with navigating the modern digital landscape, Lena and Eliav dedicated themselves to exclusively working with the Jewish world.
Eliav, the current Manager of Infinitude, is a leading expert in social media and email marketing, data reporting, digital funnel creation, website creation, system development, strategic planning, and online automation. He is passionate about helping Jewish organizations reach their growth goals via the Digital Jump Roadmap & Assessment and several other partnership models.